Vote YES
on Local
Measure H
Protect the Santa Monica Mountains
and Hollywood Hills east of the
405 to Griffith Park
The hills and canyons of the Santa Monica Mountains and Hollywood Hills between the 405 and Griffith Park offer perhaps the most unique urban wildlife experience in the world with extensive open space, wildlife corridors, parklands, and scenic vistas. Most of this valuable open space and wildlife habitat has been acquired and is maintained by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority. Measure H is needed to prevent wildfire and protect remaining open space and wildlife habitat near our homes.
Measure H Boundaries: Santa Monica Mountains and
Hollywood Hills east of the 405 Freeway to Griffith Park
MAINTAIN GREENSPACE around the Mulholland Overlooks to improve fire safety
REMOVE illegal ENCAMPMENTS from public open space to prevent accidental fires
Provide EXTRA FIRE PATROLS on high fire risk days
ENHANCE year-round PARK RANGER SECURITY PATROLS to prevent crime, arson, and vandalism
IMPROVE WATER QUALITY and keep pollution and trash out of local creeks and springs
PROTECT the remaining LOCAL OPEN SPACE and WILDLIFE HABITAT before it is lost to development
INCREASE LOCAL WILDFIRE PREVENTION including extensive brush clearance
PROTECT and maintain LOCAL WILDLIFE CORRIDORS necessary to ensure survival of native wildlife such as mountain lions, deer, bobcats, and grey foxes
Vote YES on Measure H to:
Preserve Local Open Space
Protect Local Wildlife
Prevent Local Wildfires
Every penny raised by Measure H will stay in our community and cannot be taken away by the State or used for other purposes.
A Citizen's Oversight Committee will conduct annual audits to ensure funds are spent properly, and only in the Santa Monica Mountains East of the 405 to Griffith Park. A low-income exemption is available.
About the Mountains Recreation
and Conservation Authority
The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
(MRCA) is a public park agency:
Dedicated to the preservation and management of local open
space, wildlife habitat, and public parkland.Protects the Santa Monica Mountains east of the 405 to Griffith Park
Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Park Rangers:
Are sworn California peace officers as well as certified Wildland Firefighters.
Perform safety patrol, emergency medical aid, public outreach, law enforcement, natural resource management, interpretation, park maintenance, and training.
The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Fire Division
Performs extensive fire prevention measures including the removal of dry brush
Employs 30 full time, paid call, and volunteer wildland fire fighters certified to National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) standards.
Works together with local fire departments, State and federal agencies, and the public to prevent wildfires, and—if necessary—to defend against them.
Patrols MRCA parklands and the Mulholland Scenic Corridor with Fire Patrols and/or Type III Fire Engines. Increases patrol on Red Flag days.
Deploys its own firefighting equipment including seven type III fire engines, two type II tactical water tenders, one mobile command unit, two crew busses, and ten type IV fire patrol vehicles. In addition, many of the parks store water, portable fire pumps, and Class A foam for firefighting purposes.